update tb_department
set capacity = round(capacity*1.1,0);
select * from tb_department;
-- 35
update tb_student
set student_address = '서울시 종로구 숭인동 181-21'
where student_no = 'A413042';
select * from tb_student WHERE student_no = 'A413042';
update tb_student
set student_ssn = substr(student_ssn,0,6);
select * from tb_student;
update tb_grade
set point = '3.5'
where term_no = '200501' AND
class_no = (select class_no from tb_class where class_name = '피부생리학')
and student_no = (select student_no from tb_student
join tb_department using(department_no)
where student_name ='김명훈' and department_name = '의학과');
delete from tb_grade
where student_no in (select student_no
from tb_student where absence_yn ='Y');